Why You Should Add Chlorophyll to Your Immunity Regimen

Let’s take a trip back to first grade for a minute, when we all first learned about chlorophyll – that pigment in plants that makes them green, and plays an integral part in photosynthesis.  I would guess that most of us left chlorophyll there and never really looked back!  But, as it turns out, chlorophyll is an exceptionally impressive superfood, and key to good health.

And this makes sense!  Chlorophyll is a primary component of algae, an organism that has survived for over a billion years on this planet, created the oxygen necessary for life on earth, and remains an integral, invaluable part of our environment today.  So when it comes to longevity, I’ll have what algae is having please!  And that’s chlorophyll. 

Chlorophyll has a remarkably diverse spectrum of benefits, many of which are likely still waiting to be discovered.  But here are a few of the known primary benefits:

  1. Blood Building and Oxygenating – Something fascinating about chlorophyll is that its molecular structure is nearly identical to heme in hemoglobin, which is a protein in our blood essential for transferring oxygen from our lungs to the rest of our body.  Because chlorophyll is so similar in structure to hemoglobin, studies have found that wheatgrass juice, which is rich in chlorophyll, may be helpful in treating hemoglobin deficiency disorders, and may reduce the need for blood transfusions—that’s amazing!  And it makes sense that chlorophyll—which is involved in making a plant’s respiration possible—plays a role in aiding the oxygenation of animal blood as well.  Mother nature sure is clever!  Check out this resource for more detailed info on the hemoglobin-chlorophyll connection.
  2. Cancer Preventing – While the studies in humans are somewhat limited, there was a study in China demonstrating that ingesting chlorophyll may help prevent the production of a liver carcinogen associated with the development of a particular type of liver cancer.  Chlorophyll also binds with certain cancer-causing chemicals, which prevents those chemicals from being absorbed by our bodies, giving it even broader cancer-prevention power.  This prominent article from the Linus Pauling Institute contains more detail on these studies, as well as other studies demonstrating chlorophyll’s further benefits.
  3. Skin Healing – Chlorophyll also has antibacterial properties that make it highly effective for healing wounds, and has been shown to help reduce signs of photoaging in skin.  So in addition to internal benefits, chlorophyll is useful in multiple ways as a healing topical treatment.
  4. Detoxifying and Immune Boosting – Because of its oxygenating benefits, antioxidant properties, nutrient, mineral, and vitamin-rich profile, and ability to bind with and remove carcinogens and metals from our body, chlorophyll is a powerful detoxifier and immune-booster.   
  5. Naturally Deodorizing Studies have found chlorophyll (both topically and ingested) reduces body odors.  Bonus!

So, how can we get our chloro-fill? (see what I did there?)  Quite a few ways!

First stop, in my opinion, should always be through food.  Green foods, particularly dark, leafy greens, are bursting with chlorophyll.  Spinach has a whopping 23.7 mg per cup! So this is just one more reason to get your green on.  And for us primarily plant-eaters, it’s also a great way to get a dose of that elusive vitamin B-12.

For a more concentrated dose of chlorophyll, you may consider turning to supplements.  But make sure the supplements are as pure as possible.  Here are a few I’ve tried and really like:

  • Detox Water Drops from Sakara – These drops offer a super-dense concentration of chlorophyll, which you can just add to water.  Tastes a little earthy, but you can take it in shot fashion or add it to flavored vitamin water if you’re not a fan of the earthy taste. Easy peasy.
  • Chlorella and Spirulina Supplements –  Spirulina and chlorella are two well-known types of algae, and both are powerhouses of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and protein (just a single ounce of chlorella contains 16g of protein, which is more than twice the amount in red meat!).  And both are packed with chlorophyll. 

I like the Whole Foods brands of both Chlorella and Spirulina, which are affordable and concentrated.  The downside is they aren’t certified organic, but Whole Foods is a certified organic grocer and is broadly committed to the most natural and organic products.  I also like the ENERGYbits brand, which is a company that grows its own organic chlorella and spirulina, and offers mega-concentrated doses of both algae separately and combined.  They are definitely pricey at $120 per bag, but each bag contains 1,000 tablets. 

Though I haven’t come across any studies showing any adverse effects from chlorophyll, as always, consult with your doctor about any supplements you’re considering adding to your regimen.


Chlorophyll offers a serious spectrum of benefits.  It’s basically a bouncer for our bodies with respect to carcinogenic invaders.  And during this time of covid, it’s a powerful ally to add to our immunity arsenal.

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